2014 | Wuxi (CN)Time Machine at Helv Relics Museum
On behalf of ACCIONA Producciones y Diseño, Kraftwerk Living Technologies was responsible for the AV System Integration of a multi-media facility including the biggest immersive screen in the world (650 m2) – the Time Machine.
The world’s biggest audiovisual immersion project located on the ground floor of the Wu Kingdom Helv Relics Museum takes visitors on a journey through the history of the legendary Kingdom of Wu. It is formed by a 400 m2 interactive floor and a 250 m2 projection screen, allowing visitors to interact with the most spectacular scenes.
To make this immersive experience possible, Kraftwerk Living Technologies synchronized 22 high-resolution screens by using soft-edge blending to form one seamless image. To obtain interactivity, the system is equipped with interactive sensors with IR illuminators and special tracking cameras in combination with each projector to allow interactive manipulation of video content, driven by a special video server cluster, which is synchronized with the main screen passive servers. More than 30 computers process the signals from 14 cameras that capture images of the visitors to create 2D and 3D graphics in real time, which are then mixed with the film. The high-quality, multichannel audio system provides an incredible sound experience. The sound comes from thirty sources located in different parts of the room and increases the visitor’s feeling of being a part of the show.
The state-of-the-art multi-media facility can accomodate 3,840 visitors per day offering a 15-minute audiovisual show covering the most important sequences in the history of the Kingdom of Wu – a Chinese dynasty in power between 514-496 B.C. It transports viewers to the places that marked history through a visual and sound journey through the countryside, witnessing battles, passing through both landscape and cities. All these elements change as a result of the visitor’s movements.
For this outstanding multi-media facility, ACCIONA Producciones y Diseño was awarded the Red Dot Design Award as well as the iF Design Award. Many congratulations!

Related Links:
Time Machine, Wu Kingdom Helv Relics Museum, Wuxi, China